Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fun with Xander

The little boys have been having so much fun getting into trouble with their cousin Xander. And now with another little boy on the way soon, it's going to be TROUBLE for these boys and all their sword fighting and crazy ways. Owen is the leader of the pack. Can't wait for them to get older and wilder!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Vote for your favorite Riesenberg Family Pic

Number 1
Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7
So these are our most recent family pics done by my amazing sister and photographer Vanessa! There were honestly hundreds of photos to choose from, and each of these photos had several to choose from. So if someone is not looking at the camera or smiling chances are I probably have where we all are. It is amazing that we even have so many good ones to choose from considering I have active 4 and 2 year old boys! I really want to blow one of these up into a giant canvas to hang in my new home (not yet decided on) in Utah so that I never forget my time here in San Diego. These photos were taken at Windansea beach in La Jolla. Please comment and let me know which family photos is your favorite to help me narrow it down. Thanks!