Sunday, August 30, 2009

Connor's 9th Birthday!

I really hate to admit that I have a nine year old because that makes me sound really old, but it's true! Connor turned 9 on August 22! It was the first day of vacation at our beach house we rented in Newport Beach! We had Grandma and Grandpa Siggard, the Honda cousins, Brandon, Sara and Xander, and even Zach and his girlfriend Lisa there. We had an ice cream cake and we surprised Connor by getting him a Wii. He was so happy he had tears in his eyes. When we got home from our vacation he had a party with his friends at Ultrazone LaserTag. I think he is pretty darn lucky!

1 comment:

Vanessa Honda Photography Blog said...

I don't know how you had time to do a blog post on Sunday with all of those kids there... crazy! Oh, and I forgot to wish you a happy anniversary (I am sure it was very romantic :-)