This is Owen. He is four. And he says the cutest things. Just recently my old vacuum fell apart and so I sent Owen with his dad to Costco to buy a new one. He's been obsesesed ever since. He asks often about the "vacanoon". He wants me to clean up every little crumb he spots on the floor. He likes to talk about what color it is and is excited to bring it out and clean. I just love to vacanoon! Also, every time he uses the bathroom, he asks "Where does the pee/poop go?" And we say "to the sewer" and then he repeats "to the sewer". I just love this age. They say the funniest things.
Owen is just adorable. I love that age too... and I miss it!
OB's talent is just starting to evolve and by next year at this time she'll be competitive in national contests.
E. Polecat, Esq.
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