I can't believe Owen is 3! He doesn't want to be three, he says, "No, I'm 2!" He is definitely my hardest kid right now. He is very stubborn and persistent. When the older kids are at school, he likes to be a baby like Jack (which means I have to carry a kid on each hip just to get to the car) but when the older kids get home he likes to be a big kid (which means he won't sit in the stroller). But he is a joyful, happy, and might I say adorable kid. Lately he has been "scaredy" of certain things (particularly, spiders). He is crazy about Thomas the Tank Engine. He just can't get enough. He has the wooden railway, take along Thomas sets, and now he has the Thomas Duplo Lego sets too. He just switches from one set to the next all day long all while watching Thomas and Friends on the DVR (how did I ever survive without that!). At his 3 year check up he was in the 10th percentile for his height and 50th for weight. Pretty much the complete opposite of his brother Jack (95th percentile for everything). Owen's laugh is infectious and we love him to pieces! For his birthday, we went to Sea World. Then I came home and made his choo choo train cake. Then we all went to Islands for dinner. Two kids eat free with each paying adult on Monday nights. It was a bargain! He's finally starting to grasp what birthdays are all about. He loved when we sang to him and also opened his presents! Here are some pictures of Owen throughout the year and on his birthday.
Hello again
2 months ago
LOOOVE the train cake!! Where did you find that pan?!? Is that a Williams Sonoma creation, or did you simply hand-carve it out of a regular sheet cake?!?! LOL! ;oP
Happy Birthday O!!
good job on the cake, it was super cute! I cannot believe Owen is 3. He is such a cutie, I love that he is so into Thomas, Jack got over trains way faster but I think that's cuz That's all Ryley and him played with for most of his 2.5 years. our Jack still loves the duplo thomas legos though, and we also have about 4 sets of those!! I love all the adorable pics. happy birthday Owen!!!
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