Thursday, April 29, 2010

La Jolla Half

I started training for the La Jolla Half Marathon in January. I used to hate running. I can actually say now that I LOVE it. It all started after Courtney was born. My friend Meagan and I would go walking with our jogging strollers. Slowly, she would encourage us to just run to the end of the street until one day, we became runners. Two kids later, I would run in hopes of dropping the baby weight. After I lost the baby weight, I wanted to run for a purpose and so......I signed up with some friends for the La Jolla Half Marathon (which is one of the hardest in the country). There were lots of hills and one HUGE hill. I woke up at 2 in the morning for the big race. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I was so determined to finish in under two hours. I kept checking my time and really had to push it at the end. My final time was 1:58:01. I am pretty happy with my time and don't think I could have pushed myself any harder. Tyson is happy that it is finally over. My weekly long runs were taking a toll on him. Well, he will get a short break until I sign up for the next one! I think I want to try an easier course and improve my time. Until then....I'll just keep running!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jack Jack turns 2!

My baby Jack turned into a full-fledged toddler this week! Daddy was out of town taking his board exam in Atlanta so we didn't do much celebrating until the weekend. Brandon, Sara, and Xander came down to go with us to the zoo. The zoo is Jack's favorite place right now. He loves animals and learning how to say their names and their sounds. We came home after for cake and ice cream! At two years old, Jack really knows how to throw a tantrum. In fact, if he doesn't get his way he screams, "Ow! Ow!" It's annoying because everybody thinks we are hurting him or something. He is particularly clingy to his mom and suddenly cries if I leave the room or try and leave him at the playcare at the gym or even with Dad. He is a thrill seeker and rough houser and loves to be thrown, tossed, wrestled, etc. He is a big boy and I am constantly asked whether or not the boys are twins. Sometimes I feel like they are. Only I had to be pregnant twice and lose all the weight twice. His laugh is contagious and his dimples are maybe the cutest in the entire world. Some lucky lady is gonna love those someday. His favorite pastime is teasing the other kids. He loves to steal their toys and run away laughing. His favorite toys are animal and dinosaur figures. He loves babies, too bad Jack. No more around here. He is always smiling and we love him to death. Happy Birthday Jack-Jack!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My husband is HOT!

Who can manage being a full-time doctor studying for boards, father of four, husband to a super high maintenance wife, elders qourum president and lose almost 50 pounds in less than six months? My HOT husband, that's who! I am so proud of him. He is skinnier now that when we got married! And that's impressive considering all that he has to do each day. He has been so dedicated to working out and getting healthy (and getting the cheapest life insurance policy with the best value) and is such a great example to everyone. The daddy gut is gone. I love him.

Easter in Arizona

Spring Break 2010 was great this year! We spent a few days at home taking each of the kids on a special outing with mom and dad. We took Courtney out for frozen yogurt, to play tennis, and to look at the pet store. The next day we took Connor to Subway and play mini-golf. Then we took off to Arizona to visit great Grandma Anderson and Grandma and Grandpa Siggard. As always, the weekend was packed with great food, lots of games, and fun. We saw How to Train your Dragon which we all loved. We dyed easter eggs, had an Easter egg hunt, and watched conference. We got a chance to go to an indoor wave pool and play at the park. The highlight of the trip for Connor was picking fresh grapefruits, oranges, and lemons off of Grandma's trees and jucing them and eating them. The weather was beautiful but the best part was catching up with the family who we hadn't seen in awhile. Here are some highlights:

Owen's Green Shoes

We were at the mall last week getting Connor some new shoes. While Connor was trying on shoes, Owen found some green adidas at Nordstrom and wouldn't put them down. I have never seen Owen want anything more in his entire life. It was like a kid in a toy store. But it was shoes. He may end up being a shoe fetish just like his mama. I know that they don't go with much, but it could be worse. He could have wanted Thomas the Tank Engine shoes or something. I can put up with green adidas. Needless to say, Tyson (the sucker) bought him the green shoes and Owen thinks he can run really fast now. I couldn't be a prouder mom!