Thursday, January 15, 2009

Point Loma Lighthouse

In the eight years that we have actually lived in San Diego, we haven't actually seen all the sights or done all the tourist traps yet. So over Christmas we decided to go and see the old Point Loma Lighthouse. The kids really liked it and the views of Coronado Island and the ocean were really beautiful. We could also see the Navy base and boats too. They also have tidepools that did not have much to see while we were there. Anyhow, there was a lot to learn about the lighthouse and its purpose and is a fun little day trip if you haven't been there yet.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Having a Naked Day

This last holiday season was a blast! One of the most memorable parts had to be Owen's Naked Day. We were up at Grandma and Grandpa Siggard's house for the weekend. We were having the family gift exchange and going to go to church with them. Grandma was especially excited to have Owen come with her to Nursery since she is the Nursery Leader. Well Sunday morning came and we all bathed. However, right before leaving all we could find of Owen was a string of tossed aside clothes. When we finally found him and tried to get him dressed he was in a fit. We held him down and dressed him only to have the clothes ripped off again. Every time we tried he was like a Tazmanian Devil throwing limbs in every direction. Finally we gave up and left him home with Dad, thinking he would soon want to be clothed. Owen spent the next 7 hours in the buff. He was sliding down steps, playing catch and even playing the keyboard piano. We kept expecting our little diaper dependent toddler to have an accident on the carpet, but he never did. Right before dinner he brought dad his pants "clothes on". I guess we all just need a naked day now and then, Brittany's next....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Riesenberg Family Christmas

Christmas 2008 was absolutely great! We had Grandpa Tom and Grandma Chali down from Utah to help us celebrate! Unfortunately, they brought the cold weather with them. The week of Christmas was just freezing. Once they left to go back home, it warmed right up:) On Christmas Eve we decorated sugar cookies for Santa followed by our family's tradition of opening up one Christmas gift which is always a new pair of pajamas. That way the kids are sure to look good in pictures the next morning! This was Jack's first Christmas this year and like most babies, Jack was much more interested in playing with the wrapping paper than any toys. Owen is always jumping on the ceiling of the people below us, so we decided to get a personal jumpy house which, I will admit, has not solved that problem. He hasn't even jumped in it since Christmas! Next year we hope to have a white Christmas in Utah!